J'ai une VM (hyper-V) en Ubuntu 18.04 qui est uniquement dédié à un Gitlab.
Il y a 15 jours après un arrêt pour faire un backup de ma VM, au redémarrage je me suis rendue compte que j'avais ce message "Failed to start Snap Daemon" et impossible d'avoir l'interface graphique.
J'ai cherché sur des post comme celui-ci
Mais je n'arrive pas é réglé le problème
J'avais pensé à un manque d'espace disque mais j'y ai remédié en augmentant ma VM qui fait maintenant 1.6To et ubuntu me confirme qu'il utilise 1.2To et qu'il lui reste 370Go de dispo
Démarré en mode recovery et essayer clean pour faire de la place...
j'ai bien accès a une interface graphique quand j'utilise le Bureau à distance Windows (et XRDP) mais cela ne m'avance pas plus.
Je ne suis pas suffisamment calé en Linux.
Heureusement j'ai bien accès à mon git et il fonctionne mais si vous pouviez m'expliqué ce qu'est ce problème et les piste pour le corriger... Merci
Si cela peut vous aider :
root@SRV-GitLab:/home/administrateur# systemctl start snapd
Job for snapd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status snapd.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
root@SRV-GitLab:/home/administrateur# systemctl status snapd.service
● snapd.service - Snap Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2021-03-13 20:10:00 CET; 51s ago
Process: 20884 ExecStart=/usr/lib/snapd/snapd (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Main PID: 20884 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Failed to start Snap Daemon.
mars 13 20:10:00 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies.
root@SRV-GitLab:/home/administrateur# journalctl -xe
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Automatic restarting of the unit snapd.service has been scheduled, as the result for
-- the configured Restart= setting for the unit.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
-- Subject: Unit snapd.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.service has finished shutting down.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Starting Snap Daemon...
-- Subject: Unit snapd.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.service has begun starting up.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab snapd[21116]: AppArmor status: apparmor is enabled and all features are available
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab snapd[21116]: cannot run daemon: assert storage root unexpectedly world-writable: /var/lib/snapd/assertions/asserts-v0
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Failed to start Snap Daemon.
-- Subject: Unit snapd.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.service has failed.
-- The result is RESULT.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Service hold-off time over, scheduling restart.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
-- Subject: Automatic restarting of a unit has been scheduled
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Automatic restarting of the unit snapd.service has been scheduled, as the result for
-- the configured Restart= setting for the unit.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Stopped Snap Daemon.
-- Subject: Unit snapd.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.service has finished shutting down.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Failed to start Snap Daemon.
-- Subject: Unit snapd.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.service has failed.
-- The result is RESULT.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.socket: Failed with result 'service-start-limit-hit'.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: snapd.service: Triggering OnFailure= dependencies.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Starting Failure handling of the snapd snap...
-- Subject: Unit snapd.failure.service has begun start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.failure.service has begun starting up.
mars 13 20:11:03 SRV-GitLab systemd[1]: Started Failure handling of the snapd snap.
-- Subject: Unit snapd.failure.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit snapd.failure.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is RESULT.
root@SRV-GitLab:/home/administrateur# snap list
error: cannot list snaps: cannot communicate with server: Get
http://localhost/v2/snaps: dial unix /run/snapd.socket: connect: connection refused
root@SRV-GitLab:/home/administrateur# sudo du -csh /snap/* |sort -rh
2,9G total
1,1G /snap/gnome-3-26-1604
815M /snap/core
636M /snap/gtk-common-themes
142M /snap/gnome-characters
106M /snap/gnome-logs
34M /snap/gnome-system-monitor
23M /snap/gnome-calculator
4,0K /snap/README
4,0K /snap/bin